Latest News
December 2024 – Members’ Draw
1 – 1100 Ticket No SASRA No Winner £10,000 191 F16821 Richard McCullock £1,000 234 F12749 Brian Houghton £500 439 F16790 David Adams £400
SASRA 1000 Club draw – November 2024
1 – 1100 Ticket No SASRA No Winner £500 314 F13004 Alan Riley £400 1034 F18831 Carly Johnstone £300 232
October 2024 – Members’ Draw
1 – 1100 Ticket No SASRA No Winner £500 818 F17690 Kim Talbot £400 1054 F15678 David Merner £300 296
Annual General Meeting – 2024
Date: Wednesday, 11 September 2024
Time: 18.00 hours
Location: Falcon Club, Egremont
- Chairman’s opening remarks
- Apologies
- Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting (4 October 2023)
- Chairman’s report
- Presentation of Annual Accounts
These will be presented at the meeting where a limited number of copies will be available. However, in order to protect the environment and the need to produce hard back copies, will anyone who requires a paper copy please download from the SASRA website and bring to the meeting.
(Presentation will include details for Clubs, Squash and Fitness Centres)
- Motions as per the convening notice
None received
- Appointment of Directors of SASRA Limited
3 September 2024
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting – 2023
Location: The Falcon Club, Egremont
Date: Wednesday, 04 October 2023
Mr Geoff Turrell Executive Chair
Executive Members;
Mr Graham Robinson
Mr David Hetherington
Mr Phil Robinson
Ms Ellie Dunne SASRA Manager
Mr Tony Hindmoor, Gibbons Accountants
Plus 33 Members of SASRA
Mrs Sharon Gallagher
Mrs Alice Thompson
Mr Andy Lee
Mr Steve Fawcett
Mrs Nicola Branney
Chairman’s opening remarks
The Chairman opened the meeting at 19.00 hrs and welcomed those in attendance.
The Chairman outlined the safety arrangements for the facility, highlighting the fire exits. He requested all mobiles were switched to silent.
Minutes of 2022 AGM
The minutes were approved by the meeting without one minor correction.
Proposed Bob Sanderson Seconded Simon Young
Note there were no actions-matters arising from the 2022 meeting.
Chairman’s report
SASRA Executive
The Executive is still one member short of the 9 permissible by the SASRA Bye-Laws.
I believe the role of the Directors is to ensure that as far as possible the diversity of SASRA and its constituent sections is maintained. We have received a nomination for Phil Lowden which I will hope you will support later in the meeting.
I would particularly like to thank the current SASRA Executive members who as volunteers continue to focus their efforts on ensuring the viability of the organisation.
Gemma Bloor, resigned from the role of SASRA Manager, for personal reasons. It would be remiss of me if I did not thank Gemma for her efforts whilst in post. Following a recruitment campaign 6 months ago, Ellie Dunne, who has associations with SASRA, particularly the Windscale Club, was appointed to the role. The Executive offer their full support to Ellie going forward.
NDA Properties
The outstanding issue with the Land Registry following the transfer of ownership of the Falcon Complex and Windscale Club has been resolved. Confirmation of the devolvement of SASRA to SASRA Limited has been clarified.
Egremont Flood Prevention
Some issues regarding water pooling on the playing pitches have been addressed with additional drainage added to the areas concerned. The proposals for the ‘Right to Flood’ arrangements with the Environment Agency are still ongoing. An offer from the Agency is with our legal representatives for discussion.
Social Clubs
The Executive continue to monitor the financial situation within both Clubs. A meeting is to be held between the members of the Executive and the various Managers. The intention is to discuss options for increasing footfall into the Clubs to improve the financial situation.
To attempt to reduce energy costs to the facilities, the opportunities for the implementation of alternative energy sources, wind and solar, are being explored.
The Shackles Off project for the use of land at the Windscale Club is progressing. A minor issue is being experienced with the repositioning of a telephone mast. This is required to divert the telephone wire away from its current position to prevent conflict with the Shackles Off building.
The various Sport and Recreational Sections continue to provide opportunities for members and assistance from SASRA through the grant cycle process.
The Rifle Club have been issued with an eviction notice by the Low-Level Waste Repository (LLWR). The Club and SASRA have examined the options for relocation of the Club onto a SASRA property. Following the investigation, it was confirmed that this was not a viable option. The Rifle Club have utilised the current building for over 65 years. Within that time, no objections against the Club have been received from the Drigg residents or the local community. Despite this, LLWR are still pushing to evict the Club from their current base late in November. There does appear to be some form of progress to report. Earlier this week I have been informed by the Rifle Club that land at High Ling Bank has been identified and is under consideration. Dimensional requirements for a new range have been submitted to NDA. The matter is still ongoing with support for the Club from local councillors and legal representation. Hopefully, the NDA’s commitment to the local community will assist in bringing a satisfactory conclusion.
Similarly with the Boat Club. Their facility houses monitoring equipment utilised by the NDA and consequently was not part of the asset transfer. The Club are in discussions with the NDA to agree terms of a new lease.
1000 Clubs
The 3 Clubs continue to operate. However, due to several members retiring from Sellafield over the last few years the membership numbers in the clubs have reduced. SASRA are exploring the options to integrate the groups to retain the current level of prizes. Tickets are not restricted to workers on the Sellafield site and are open for purchase to all SASRA members. Winning numbers are posted monthly on the SASRA website for information.
Thank you
Finally, can I take this opportunity to thank the staff for their commitment, along with the numerous volunteers who ensure the various SASRA sections continue to function.
Ian noted that the work associated with the relocation of telephone cables had recently been completed.
There was no questions/queries raised regarding the report.
Presentation of Annual Accounts for the period1 February 2022 to 31 January 2023.
Mr Tony Hindmoor from Gibbons Accountants gave a presentation of the above accounts.
A full document is available on the SASRA Web site.
Key points for 2022/23 included: –
Accounts to 31 January 2023
These accounts comprise the Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet on page 5.
There is also a 12 monthly Departmental Profit and Loss at the back of the accounts.
If we look at the Detailed Trading and Loss Account near the back of the accounts.
Turnover (excluding grants) has increased by approximately £172,000 to £778,000 mainly due to (it is all analysed on the top of the page): –
- a) An increase in Falcon Bar Sales of £85,000.
- b) An increase in Windscale Bar Sales of £53,000.
- c) A decrease in general income £1,000.
- d) An increase in Squash Club income of £15,000.
- e) An increase in Seascale Community Fitness Centre income of £18,000.
- f) A decrease in 1000 Club income of £10,000.
- g) An increase in Restaurant and Conference income of £3,000.
- h) A decrease in Falcon other income of £2,000.
- i) An increase in Shop sales of £5,000.
- j) An increase in Gaming machine income of £6,000.
Cost of Sales has increased by £61,000 which has led to a gross profit of £545,170 (2021 – £434,096).
Employment Costs have increased by £1,000 but the costs for 2022 are stated before the Covid l9 job retention scheme grants of £50,000.
Rates have reduced by £25,000 (due to a large Water plus refund during the year).
Light and Heat have increased by £19,000.
Repairs and Renewals including the refurbishment costs have increased by £30,000.
Legal and Professional fees have increased by £13,000 General administrative expenses show an overall increase of £46,000.
Within the general administrative expenses there have been an increase in TV packages costs of £7,000 and a decrease in Support to sections and activities of £5,000.
Other operating income from grants (including Covid 19 grants and job retention scheme grants) have decreased by £116,000.
As a result of the above, SASRA Limited has posted a deficit for the year of £29,852 (2022 – surplus of £20,911).
Onto the Balance Sheet, page 5 which shows the financial position of the club at 31 January 2023 i.e., what the company owns and owes at this date.
Tangible assets include all the assets owned by SASRA i.e., gym equipment, bar equipment and property improvements made over the years
Cash at bank and in hand totalled approximately £124,481 at the year-end compared to £146,323 the previous year.
Debtors of the club totalled £11,000 (2021 – £7,000).
Liabilities of the club totalled £143,000 (2021 – £143,000) and this figure includes: –
General Trading Creditors and Accruals £42,000
Wages and PAYE £28,000
Borrowings £35,000
Grants not yet written off £29,000
VAT £9,000
Overall, the total reserves of the club stood at £100,820 compared to reserves of £130,672 at the end of the previous year.
Question raised by Doug Sanderson regarding why the accounts were unaudited. Tony explained the change in legislation introduced by the government which was aimed at reducing unnecessary cost to small-medium sized businesses. Tony confirmed that suitable checks and balances had been applied to the production and review of the accounts.
Reduction in rate charges, Graham explained the work undertaken at Seascale regarding the Windscale Complex water rate charges and the reduction in Banding (B6.B2-3) which had reaped significant benefits including recovery of some historic charges. The reduced banding will apply going forward.
Approval of the accounts, these had previously been approved at an Executive Meeting to allow presentation to the AGM.
Notice of Motions.
No notices were put forward for consideration at the meeting.
Appointment of Directors to SASRA Limited
In accordance with Byelaw 13 amended in 2018 to remove the requirement for 3 Directors to stand down the current executive is currently one member below the maximum (9).
One nomination was received Mr Phillip Lowden, this was accepted by the meeting.
The Executive for 2023/24 will therefore comprise;
Chairman – Geoff Turrell
Directors – Ian Richardson, Graham Robinson, Alice Thompson, Andrew Lee, Phillip Robinson, David Hetherington, Sharon Gallagher, Phillip Lowden.
No vacancies remain.
Any other business
There was no other business.
The meeting closed at 19;30hrs.
I Richardson
October 2023.